Free Rhode Island Paycheck Calculator 2024

Use this Rhode Island paycheck calculator to estimate your take-home salary per paycheck for both salary and hourly jobs. You can do it after taking into account nationwide, state, and regional surcharges.

Marital Status:
Pay Frequency
State Taxes Detail
Pre-Tax Deduction
Deducation Name Calculation Method Deducation Amount
Dental Coverage
Vision Insurance
Long Term Disability Insurance
Life Insurance
Commuter Plan
Post-Tax Deduction
Deducation Name Calculation Method Deducation Amount
Add New +

Your estimated income you are taking home


Where is your money going?

Gross Paycheck







Federal Taxes



State Income



Local Income



FICA and State Insurance Taxes



Pre-Tax Deductions



Post-Tax Deductions



Take Home Salary



FICA and State Insurance Taxes
Pre-Tax Deduction
Post-Tax Deduction
Net Pay

Overview of Rhode Island Taxes

Rhode Island has a developed state revenue surcharge system. It has three tax stands. The tax rates differ by earnings status but are duplicates for all taxpayers regardless of filing level. Rhode Island’s top revenue surcharge rate is 5.99%. No cities in the state levy regional revenue surcharges.

Rhode Island Salary Paycheck and Payroll Calculator

If you are calculating paychecks and need some help, you should  Use the Rhode Island salary paycheck calculator to discern withholdings and calculate take-home income for your salaried employees in Rhode Island.

This calculator will do the math for you. All you need to do is enter the applicable data on earnings, national and state W-4s, removals, and concessions.

Rhode Island Salary Tax Calculator for the Tax Year 2023/24

You can easily use this Rhode Island State Tax Calculator. It helps to calculate your aggregate surcharge in the tax year 2023/24.

The calculator has lately been revised to contain the latest national Tax Rates. It also helps to calculate the latest State Tax Rates. It has been specially advanced to furnish users not only with the quantity of surcharge they will be reimbursed but also with a breakdown of all the tax expenditures that will be incurred, taking into consideration any inferences they may be qualified to obtain.

Furthermore, the Rhode Island Salary Tax Calculator has only one objective. It is to deliver you with a transparent economic situation. By glimpsing how all of your surcharges are divided and where each of them goes. You have a better awareness of why you reimburse the tariff you do. It tells where the money goes, and why each surcharge has an objective.

Rhode Island Paycheck Calculator

Rhode Island Paycheck Calculator

It is a free paycheck calculator for both hourly and salary workers. You can estimate factual take-home salary using recent national and state withholding rates.

Moreover, the income tax calculator 2023 for Rhode Island tells you about your salary after tax deduction

Learn about the income tax calculator to check what your paycheck surcharge removals will be in Rhode Island for the 2023 tax year.

Rhode Island Hourly Paycheck Calculator

This Rhode Island hourly paycheck calculator is excellent for those workers who are paid on an hourly basis.

So the employer must use this free hourly paycheck calculator to fast run payroll for their hourly employees in Rhode Island.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I use the Rhode Island paycheck calculator?

Simply pursue the pre-filled calculator for Rhode Island. Determine your withholdings, subsidies and filing level. Once you do this, the result will be your evaluated take-home income!

Is the Rhode Island paycheck calculator accurate?

Normally the results are accurate. However, they are not conclusive and should be considered as a general direction for anticipated pay.

How much taxes does Rhode Island take out of your paycheck?

Rhode Island mandates withholding state earnings surcharge from paychecks. Rhode Island evaluates a personal revenue tax between 3.75% and 5.99%. In Rhode Island, tax payments must be paid throughout the year.

State Salary Paycheck Calculators